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VCO Glossary

Active Components > VCO
VCO Glossary

  • Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO): Type of oscillator that is continuously tunable by the application of a control voltage.
  • Frequency Tuning performance: The characteristic frequency vs. tuning voltage curve generated by a VCO when tuned from the minimum to the maximum tuning voltage extremes. Typically presented in a graph format as Frequency vs. Voltage.
  • Tuning Sensitivity or Modulation Sensitivity: The slope of the characteristic frequency tuning curve at a given tuning voltage (MHz/V).
  • Monotonic Tuning: Continuous positive or negative change in the frequency tuning curve.
  • Tuning Linearity: The amount of frequency deviation from a best fit straight line of the frequency vs. tuning voltage curve (MHz).
  • Output Power Variation: The variation of the output power of the fundamental frequency when observed over the specified frequency range into a 50 ohm load at a fixed temperature (dB).
  • Power Flatness: The variation of the output power from the average output power (dB).
  • Output Power Variation with Temperature: The variation of the output power with respect to a change in the device's temperature (dB/C).
  • Frequency Drift with Temperature: The variation of the output frequency with respect to a change in the devices temperature (MHz/C).
  • Spurious Output (Non-Harmonic): Unwanted frequencies not harmonically related to the fundamental frequency (dBc).
  • Harmonic Suppression: The level of harmonics (nfo) relative to the level of the fundamental frequency (dBc).
  • Frequency Pushing: The variation of the output frequency due to a change in the supply voltage (MHz/V).
  • Frequency Pulling: The variation of the output frequency due to a change in the output load conditions. Typically specified into a 12 dB Return Loss (MHz).
  • 3 dB Modulation Bandwidth: The modulating frequency at which the frequency deviation decreases to 0.707 of its DC value. This is also a function of the modulating source impedance, which is typically 50 ohms.
  • Phase Noise: The single side band phase noise in a 1 Hz bandwidth, measured relative to the carrier level at a specified offset frequency (dBc/Hz).
  • VCO Input Capacitance: The total equivalent input capacitance seen at the tuning port of the VCO (pF).
  • Microphonic: Spurious signals seen on the VCO output when the device is subjected to vibration or shock.
  • Frequency Drop Outs: The sudden unexpected loss of frequency output while tuning across the frequency range.
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